Vincent Lévesque


A Role for Haptics in Mobile Interaction: Initial Design Using a Handheld Tactile Display Prototype

Joseph Luk, Jerome Pasquero, Shannon Little, Karon MacLean, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward

Proc. ACM CHI’06 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada, April 2006, pp. 171-180.

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Mobile interaction can potentially be enhanced with well-designed haptic control and display. However, advances have been limited by a vicious cycle whereby inadequate haptic technology obstructs inception of vitalizing applications. We present the first stages of a systematic design effort to break that cycle, beginning with specific usage scenarios and a new handheld display platform based on lateral skin stretch. Results of a perceptual device characterization inform mappings between device capabilities and specific roles in mobile interaction, and the next step of hardware re-engineering.