Vincent Lévesque


Articles de revues

A Review of Surface Haptics: Enabling Tactile Effects on Touch Surfaces
Cagatay Basdogan, Frederic Giraud, Vincent Lévesque, Seungmoon Choi
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 13(3), pp. 450-470, 2020.
Finger pad friction and its role in grip and touch
Michael J. Adams, Simon A. Johnson, Philippe Lefèvre, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Thibaut André, Jean-Louis Thonnard
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(80), 2013.
Effect of skin hydration on the dynamics of fingertip gripping contact
Thibaut André, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Philippe Lefèvre, Jean-Louis Thonnard
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 8(64), pp 1-10, 2011.
Exploration multimodale d'images pour des utilisateurs ayant une déficience visuelle
Gregory Petit, Aude Dufresne, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap, 2(2), pp. 175-186, 2008.
Haptically Enabled Handheld Information Display with Distributed Tactile Transducer
Jerome Pasquero, Joseph Luk, Vincent Lévesque, Qi Wang, Vincent Hayward, Karon E. MacLean
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 9(4), pp 746-753, 2007.
Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation: Feasibility Study
Vincent Lévesque, Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Hayward, Maryse Legault
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2(2), pp 132-149, 2005.

Articles de conférence

Exploring Cross-Device Haptics for Virtual Reality Experiences
Mathieu Valette, Hélie Bouchihan, Vincent Lévesque
Proc. Graphics Interface 2024, June 2024.
Effect of vibration frequency mismatch on apparent tactile motion
Shirin Kasaei, Vincent Lévesque
Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2022, March 2022, pp. 1-6.
A Conceptual and Experimental Exploration of Electrovibration on the Palm and the Body
Balkiss Friaa, Vincent Lévesque
Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2022, March 2022, pp. 1-6.
A Conceptual and Practical Exploration of Electrovibrating Wearables
Balkiss Friaa, Vincent Lévesque
Work-in-Progress, Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021, July 2021, p. 1153.
Velocity estimation for affordable force feedback devices by time stamping and adaptive windowing
Benjamin Delbos, Arash Mohtat, Colin Gallacher, Vincent Lévesque
Work-in-Progress, Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021, July 2021, p. 1138.
CanHap 501: Learning Haptic UX Design in Remote Teams
Karon E. MacLean, Oliver Schneider, Antoine Weill—Duflos, Vincent Levesque, Pourang Irani, Jeremy R. Cooperstock
Work-in-Progress, Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021, July 2021, p. 348.
Design of a Haptic Language for Gestural Control of Smart Lights
Gijs Verhoeven, Vincent Levesque
Proc. 2020 International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID 2020), August 2020, pp. 1-6.
RepHap: towards an open source platform for benchmarking haptic devices leveraging the Robot Operating System ecosystem
Christian Frisson, Benjamin Delbos, Félix Désourdy, Steve Ding, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Vincent Lévesque, Colin Gallacher
Work-in-Progress, Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020, March 28-31, 2020, Washington, DC. (Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.)
Finalist for Most Exciting Work-in-Progress Paper
SurfaceReach: Assistive Guidance by Electrovibration on a Large Table
Laura Rajkowski, Balkiss Friaa, Vincent Lévesque
Work-in-Progress, Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020, March 28-31, 2020, Washington, DC. (Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.)
ReFlex: A Flexible Smartphone with Active Haptic Feedback for Bend Input
Paul Strohmeier, Jesse Burstyn, Juan Pablo Carrascal, Vincent Lévesque, Roel Vertegaal
Proc. ACM TEI'16 Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, February 2016.
Exploring the Design Space of Programmable Friction for Scrolling Interactions
Vincent Lévesque, Louise Oram, Karon MacLean
Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, Vancouver, Canada, March 2012.
Best Paper
Adaptive Level of Detail in Dynamic, Refreshable Tactile Graphics
Vincent Lévesque, Gregory Petit, Aude Dufresne, Vincent Hayward
Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, Vancouver, Canada, March 2012.
Enhancing Physicality in Touch Interaction with Programmable Friction
Vincent Lévesque, Louise Oram, Karon MacLean, Andy Cockburn, Nicolas D. Marchuk, Dan Johnson, J. Edward Colgate, Michael A. Peshkin
Proc. ACM CHI ’11 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, May 2011, pp. 2481-2490.
Best of CHI
Laterotactile Rendering of Vector Graphics with the Stroke Pattern
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Proc. EuroHaptics 2010, Part II, Kappers, A.M.L. et al. (Eds.), LNSC 6192, Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-30.
Refreshable Tactile Graphics Applied to Schoolbook Illustrations for Students with Visual Impairment
Gregory Petit, Aude Dufresne, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Nicole Trudeau
Proc. ACM ASSETS 2008, Oct. 13-15, 2008, Halifax, Canada.
Graphisme tactile appliqué aux illustrations de manuels scolaires à l'usage d'enfants ayant une déficience visuelle
Gregory Petit, Aude Dufresne, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Nicole Trudeau
Proc. IHM 2008, Sept. 3-5, 2008, Metz, France.
Tactile Graphics Rendering Using Three Laterotactile Drawing Primitives
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Proc. IEEE Haptics Symposium 2008, March 13-14, 2008, Reno, Nevada, pp. 429-436.
Braille Display by Lateral Skin Deformation with the STReSS2 Tactile Transducer
Vincent Lévesque, Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Hayward
Proc. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2007, March 22-24, Tsukuba, Japan.
Best Paper Award for Haptic Application
A Role for Haptics in Mobile Interaction: Initial Design Using a Handheld Tactile Display Prototype
Joseph Luk, Jerome Pasquero, Shannon Little, Karon MacLean, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Proc. ACM CHI’06 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada, April 2006, pp. 171-180.
Best of CHI
Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation: A Pilot Study
Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Maryse Legault
Proc. Eurohaptics 2004, Munich, Germany, June 2004.
Experimental Evidence of Lateral Skin Strain During Tactile Exploration
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Proc. Eurohaptics 2003, Dublin, Ireland, July 2003.

Rapports techniques

Blindness, Technology and Haptics
Vincent Lévesque
CIM Technical Report (CIM-TR-05.08), McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 28 pages, October 2005.


Refreshable tactile graphics using a lateral skin deformation device
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Gregory Petit, Aude Dufresne
Abstract selected for oral presentation, 9th International Conference on Low Vision, July 7 - 11, 2008, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Exploring Electrovibration on the Palm and the Body
Balkiss Friaa, Vincent Lévesque
Poster, Graphics Interface 2022 (GI 2022), Montréal, Canada, May 2022.
Robustness of apparent tactile motion to frequency mismatches
Shirin Kasaei, Vincent Lévesque
Poster, Graphics Interface 2022 (GI 2022), Montréal, Canada, May 2022.
The effects of moisture on fingertip skin deformation during loading and slipping
Thibaut André, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward, Philippe Lefèvre, Jean-Louis Thonnard
39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 2009.
Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation
Vincent Lévesque, Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Hayward, Maryse Legault
Poster, 14th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Ottawa, Canada, June 2004.
3rd Prize, Best Poster
Lateral Skin Stretch Measurement by Fingerprint Minutia Tracking
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Poster, 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Calgary, Canada, May 2002.


Exploring Haptic and Multimodal UX Design Through Distributed CanHap501 Projects
Vincent Levesque, Karon MacLean, Oliver Schneider, Jeremy Cooperstock, Pourang Irani, Pascal Fortin, Antoine Weill-Duflos
Technical Demonstration, IEEE World Haptics Conference 2023, Delft, Netherlands, July 2023.
Opportunistic use of a haptic smartwatch in virtual reality
Alim Amir Amadou, Vincent Lévesque
12th Annual FRQNT-REPARTI Workshop, June 13, 2019.
Tangible capture of virtual objects with mid-air and wearable haptics
Hayat Ankour, Danny Sauval, Vincent Lévesque
12th Annual FRQNT-REPARTI Workshop, June 13, 2019.
Haptic feedback for audiovisual content
Samy Gouli, Vincent Lévesque
12th Annual FRQNT-REPARTI Workshop, June 13, 2019.
Programmable Friction in Scrolling Interactions
Vincent Lévesque, Louise Oram, Karon MacLean
Demonstration, Haptics Symposium 2012, Vancouver, Canada, March 2012.
Nominated for Best Demonstration
Frictional Widgets: Enhancing Touch Interfaces with Programmable Friction
Vincent Lévesque, Louise Oram, Karon MacLean, Andy Cockburn, Nicolas D. Marchuk, Dan Johnson, J. Edward Colgate, Michael A. Peshkin
Extended Abstracts of ACM CHI'11 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, May 2011, pp. 1153-1158.
Refreshable Tactile Graphics with the STReSS2 Laterotactile Display
Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Technical Demonstration, EuroHaptics 2008, June 11-13, 2008, Madrid, Spain.
Refreshable Tactile Graphics with the STReSS2 Laterotactile Display
Vincent Lévesque, Andrew H. C. Gosline, Vincent Hayward
Technical Demonstration, 16th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces For Virtual Environment And Teleoperator Systems, March 13-14, 2008, Reno, Nevada.
Best Demonstration
A Haptic Memory Game using the STRESS2 Tactile Display
Qi Wang, Vincent Lévesque, Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Hayward
Extended Abstracts of ACM CHI'06 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada, April 2006, pp. 271-274.
Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation
Vincent Lévesque, Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Hayward, Maryse Legault
Technical Demonstration, 14th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Ottawa, Canada, June 2004.
Minitature Tactile Display
Jerome Pasquero, Vincent Lévesque, Vincent Hayward
Technical Demonstration, 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Calgary, Canada, May 2002.
Best Demonstration


Virtual Display of Tactile Graphics and Braille by Lateral Skin Deformation
Vincent Lévesque
Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, August 2009.
Measurement of Skin Deformation Using Fingerprint Feature Tracking
Vincent Lévesque
M. Eng. Thesis, McGill University, November 2002.
Dean's Honour List