Laterotactile Rendering of Vector Graphics with the Stroke Pattern
Proc. EuroHaptics 2010, Part II, Kappers, A.M.L. et al. (Eds.), LNSC 6192, Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-30.
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Raised line patterns are used extensively in the design of tactile graphics for persons with visual impairments. A tactile stroke pattern was therefore developed to enable the rendering of vector graphics by lateral skin deformation. The stroke pattern defines a transversal profile and a longitudinal texture which provide tactile feedback while respectively crossing over the stroke and tracing its length. The stroke pattern is demonstrated with the rendering of lines, circles and polygons, and is extensible to other vector graphics primitives such as curves. The parametric nature of the stroke allows the representation of distinctive line types and the online adjustment of line thickness and other param- eters according to user preferences and capabilities. The stroke pattern was informally evaluated with four visually impaired volunteers.